Narodila sa 26. novembra 1940.
Dvadsaťpäť rokov pracovala pre právnikov v Arizone, Texase, Illinois a Oregone.
Láska ku knihám ju sprevádzala počas celej jej kariéry sekretárky a matky.
V ČR vychádzajú jej knihy tiež v edícii Harlequin!
1. Choices (1986)
2. Heat of the Night (1986)
1. That’s What Friends (1987)
2. Come Be My Love (1988)
1. Irresistible (1989)
2. A Love Remembered (1989)
3. The Gemini Man (1991)
4. Where There Is Love (1992)
1. A Loving Spirit (1990)
2. Candlelight for Two (1990)
Sons of Texas
1. Love Texas Style! (1992)
2. Courtship Texas Style! (1992) – Námluvy po texasku (Desire 34, 1993)
3. Marriage Texas Style! (1992)
4. Temptation Texas Style! (1994) – Svádění po texasku (Desire 176, N 05/96)
5. Rogues and Ranchers (1996)
6. Love and Courtship! (1998)
7. Cowboys and Wedding Bells (1999)
8. Callaway Country (2000)
Daughters of Texas
1. Megan’s Marriage (1996) – Megan se vdává (Desire 221, 1997)
2. Instant Mommy (1996)
3. The Groom, I Presume? (1996)
1. Lean, Mean and Lonesome (1999)
2. Tall, Dark and Texan (1999)
Secret Sisters
1. Man in the Mist (2003)
2. Too Tough to Tame (2003)
3. MacGowan Meets His Match (2004)
Crenshaws of Texas
1. Branded (2004)
2. Caught in the Crossfire (2004)
3. Double Identity (2005)
4. Danger Becomes You (2005)
5. The Crenshaw Brothers‘ Virgin Bride (2005)
Circumstantial Evidence (1984)
Provocative Peril (1985)
Sound of Summer (1986)
Unheavenly Angel (1986)
Made in Heaven (1987)
Strange Enchantment (1987)
Return to Yesterday (1987)
Adam’s Story (1987)
Mystery Lover (1987)
Christmas Magic (1988)
Momentary Marriage (1988) – Manželství na chvíli (Desire 16, 1993)
With All My Heart (1988)
A Touch of Spring (1988) – Dotek jara (Desire 18, 1993)
Married? (1990)
Lone Wolf (1991)
Zeke (1993)
Solution Marriage (1993)
Impromptu Bride (1994)
Mysterious Mountain Man (1995) – Tajemný horal (Desire 184, N 07/96)
The President’s Daughter (1999)
Hard to Forget (2001)
But Not for Me (2002)
The Man Means Business (2006)
Married Or Not? (2007)
Spracovala Elen