Loretta Chase
(Loretta Lynda Chekani Chase)
Loretta Lynda Chekani s narodila v roce 1949. Získala titul Bc. v na Clarkovej Universite v Novom Anglicku. Po vysokoškolskom štúdiu, začala pracovať ako korporačná video scenáristka. Osudové stretnutie s video výrobcom pánom Chasom ju priviedlo k písaniu románov a noviel, za ktorého sa neskôr vydala. Spolu s autorkami ako Lisa Kleypas, Kathleen E.Woodiwiss, Linda Lael Miller napísla niekoľko spoločných noviel.
web stránka: www.lorettachase.com
Chystá sa vydanie knihy "Tvoje škandalózne spôsoby"…
Trevelyan Family
1. Isabella (1987)
2. The English Witch (1988)
Isabella and the English Witch (omnibus) (2003)
1. Isabella (1987)
2. The English Witch (1988)
Isabella and the English Witch (omnibus) (2003)
Regency Noblemen
1. Viscount Vagabond (1989)
2. The Devil’s Delilah (1989)
Viscount Vagabond and Devil’s Delilah (omnibus) (2004)
1. Viscount Vagabond (1989)
2. The Devil’s Delilah (1989)
Viscount Vagabond and Devil’s Delilah (omnibus) (2004)
1. The Lion’s Daughter (1992)
2. Captives of the Night (1994)
3. Lord of Scoundrels (1995) – Kráľ zhýralcov (Ikar, 2011)
4. The Last Hellion (1998)
1. The Lion’s Daughter (1992)
2. Captives of the Night (1994)
3. Lord of Scoundrels (1995) – Kráľ zhýralcov (Ikar, 2011)
4. The Last Hellion (1998)
Knave’s Wager (1990)
The Sandalwood Princess (1990)
Your Scandalous Ways (2008) – Krásna nehanebnica (IKAR 2009)
Don’t Tempt Me (2009)
A Christmas Collection (1992) (with Stella Cameron, Joan Hohl and Linda Lael Miller)
A Christmas Present (1994) (with Judith E French and Lisa Kleypas)
Three Weddings and a Kiss (1995) (with Catherine Anderson, Lisa Kleypas and Kathleen Woodiwiss)
The Sandalwood Princess / Knave’s Wager (2004)
A Christmas Present (1994) (with Judith E French and Lisa Kleypas)
Three Weddings and a Kiss (1995) (with Catherine Anderson, Lisa Kleypas and Kathleen Woodiwiss)
The Sandalwood Princess / Knave’s Wager (2004)